機嫌を損ねる 1の英語
- be on [get on, mount, ride] one's high 機嫌を損ねる 2
offend 機嫌を損ねる 3
incur the displeasure of〔~の〕 機嫌を損ねる 4
1. get on someone's bad side
2. get on someone's wrong side
3. get on the wrong [bad] side of
4. hurt someone's feelin+もっと...g / hurt the feeling of〔通例複数形の feelings で〕
5. injure [offend, wound] someone's feelings [sensibilities, susceptibilities]
6. put someone in a bad mood
7. put someone into a bad mood〔人の〕
機嫌を損ねる: 機嫌を損ねる きげんをそこねる to displease to offend to hurt (a person's) feelings
機嫌を損ねて: in Dutch〈米話〉
機嫌を損ねている: be stuck in a bad mood
機嫌を損ねることなく会話を続ける: carry on a conversation without offending〔人の〕
機嫌を損ねることなく話し続ける: carry on a conversation without offending〔人の〕
いったん機嫌を損ねると手に負えないもの: genie that can be very hard to put back into its bottle
機嫌を損ねたくない: want to keep ~ happy〔~の〕
機嫌を損じる 1: get out of humor 機嫌を損じる 2 incur someone's disfavor〔人の〕
健康を損ねる 1: affect one's health 健康を損ねる 2 have taken a [the] tall on〔~の〕
機嫌を損ねないように言葉を選ぶ: choose one's words so as not to offend〔人の〕
機嫌を損なう: 1. incur someone's displeasure 2. put someone out of humor〔人の〕
作品を損ねる: detract from the product
効力を損ねる: undermine the effectiveness of〔~の〕
国益を損ねる: 1. harm national interests 2. undermine the national interest
威厳を損ねる: mar someone's own dignity〔人の〕